• What is IFRS?

  • What is International Accounting Standards Board (IASB)?

  • What is the structure of  IASC  foundation?

  • How widespread is the adoption of IFRS around the world?

  • What is the International Accounting Standards Committee (IASC)?

  • What is the IFAC?

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Tatul Movsisyan’s “Youth Support Center” under “TM Audit” CJSC announces start of 3-month course in applied accounting.

 (pdf format )

Due to changes in the RA law on "Mandatory Funded Pension" amendments were made in the RA law on "Income tax".

An amendment was made to the RA law on “Accounting” by which large organizations can publish their financial statements without auditor's report. That is large organizations are exempted from mandatory audit.  

 (pdf format )